Databricks supports repository level integration with several Git providers.
At DEFRA, GitHub is the provider of choice.

It is not required to set your Github credentials to clone a repository.
They are required to be able to make changes to a repository.

Get Access Token

Navigate to GitHub and follow these steps to create a personal access token which will allow access to repositories:

  1. In the upper right hand corner of the page click on your profile photo and then click Settings
  2. Go to the bottom of the left hand side navigation bar and click Developer Settings
  3. Click on Personal access tokens
  4. Click on Generate new token
  5. Enter a token note (this can be anything)
  6. Set the expiration to whatever you choose
  7. Under Select scopes check the repo, worflow, gist & user tick boxes
  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Generate Token
  9. Copy this token as you will enter it into Databricks

Save your Access token to Databricks

  1. In Databricks click Settings in the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Click User Settings
  3. Go to the Git integration tab
  4. In the Git provider drop-down, select GitHub
  5. Enter your GitHub user name or email
  6. Paste the access token into the Token Field
  7. Click Save

Add Repo

  1. Clone this repo by clicking on the green Code button and copying the given link
  2. Navigate to Databricks and click on the New tab then repo on the navigation bar in Databricks
  3. Paste the link into Git repository URL. The other boxes should will auto fill with the Git provider and Repo name
  4. Click Create

The Repo will now be added, you can click on it to navigate to the different notebooks available. These can be cloned into your workspace where you can run them at your leisure.