
The following usage examples assume a pyspark enabled environment.

The DataFrameWrapper class

The SDS data model DataFrameWrapper class is a thin wrapper around a Spark DataFrame.

It consists of:

Wrapping a Spark DataFrame in this way allows us to bind data and metadata together, abstract common patterns to methods, and capture transformations.

Reading in data

To read a file, you just need to specify a name and a path:

sdf = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(

You can construct a DataFrameWrapper instance from several different spatial and aspatial file formats using the sds_data_model.dataframe.DataFrameWrapper.from_files() alternative constructor. from_files will use a different reader depending on the file extension.

It will assume that any other file type is a vector file and will try and use pyspark_vector_files.read_vector_files to read it.


Databricks File System paths

The Excel, OpenDocument, CSV, JSON, and Parquet readers use Spark API Format file paths, i.e. dbfs:/path/to/file.ext, whereas, the GeoPackage and other vector file type readers use the File API Format, i.e. /dbfs/path/to/file.ext.

Passing keyword arguments to the underlying reader

The read_file_kwargs argument allows you to pass kwargs to the underlying reader.

For example, you can pass kwargs to pyspark.pandas.read_excel to read a specific section of an OpenDocument Spreadsheet:

ods_df = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    name="opendocument spreadsheet example",
        "sheet_name": "1",
        "skiprows": 10,
        "header": [0, 1],
        "nrows": 23,

Or you can pass kwargs to pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader.csv to read a CSV with a header:

csv_df = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    name="csv example",
        "header": True,
        "inferSchema": True,

Or you can pass kwargs to pyspark_vector_files.gpkg.read_gpkg to read a GeoPackage without returning the GeoPackage Binary Header:

gpkg_df = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    name="geopackage example",
        "drop_gpb_header": True,


GeoPackage JDBC dialect

To read a GeoPackage using Spark’s JDBC drivers, you will need to register a custom mapping of GeoPackage to Spark Catalyst types.

See register the geopackage dialect for details.

Or you can pass kwargs to pyspark_vector_files.read_vector_files to read multiple Shapefiles into single DataFrame:

vector_df = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    name="vector name",
        "pattern": "filename_pattern*",
        "suffix": ".ext",

Calling pyspark methods

The DataFrameWrapper class has a generic method named call_method which will allow the user to call any valid Spark DataFrame method on the underlying DataFrame instance.

If the method returns a Spark DataFrame the underlying DataFrame instance will be updated, if not, the output of the method will be returned.


The Spark DataFrame filter method allow you to select rows using SQL-like expressions. You can call this method by passing the name of the method, followed by the condition you want to filter on, to the DataFrameWrapper’s call_method method.

For example, to filter attributes based on name matches in a single column:

sdf = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
).call_method("filter", "col == 'val'")

Multiple queries can be executed with or:

sdf = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    "col == 'val_a' or col == 'val_b'",

Or, to identify rows where values contain a certain string, you can use the following:

sdf = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    "col LIKE '%val_a%'",


The Spark DataFrame select method allow you to select columns by name. You can call this method by passing the name of the method, followed by the columns you want to select, to the DataFrameWrapper’s call_method method.

For example, columns can be selected as follows:

sdf = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(
    name="vector_name", data_path="/path/to/files/"
    [col("col_a"), col("col_b")],


Unlike the underlying method, column names cannot be passed as strings.

Instead, they must be wrapped in pyspark.sql.functions.col.


The Spark DataFrame join method allow you to join two Spark DataFrames. You can call this method by passing the name of the method, followed by the relevant arguments, to the DataFrameWrapper’s call_method method.

sdf1 = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(

sdf2 = DataFrameWrapper.from_files(

Note how the data object from the DataFrameWrapper classed sdf1 is selected within the join method.

Chaining Methods

The call_method method has been designed so that methods can be chained together. For example, select then filter can be combined. The key thing to note here is that the Spark DataFrame within the DataFrameWrapper is updated in-place. For example:

sdf = (
        [col("col_a"), col("col_b")],
        "col_a == 'val_a' or col_a == 'val_b'",


Once vector files have been read in and transformations complete, the next step is to index the data. This process adds two additional columns to the DataFrame stored within data within the DataFrameWrapper. bng_index contains the two British National Grid grid letters relevant to that feature and bounds is a tuple with British National Grid coordinates for the cell relating to the grid letters. The indexing functions are called from the bng_indexer library.

For example:


The above code would update the sdf object, providing the wrapped DataFrame with the additional columns.

Some of the other arguments allow the user to provide custom column names for the geometry column as an input, and the two output columns:


For polygons/multipolygons ‘how’ methods of ‘bounding box’, ‘intersects’ and ‘contains’ are available. The ‘bounding box’ method returns all grid cells covering the bounding box of the geometry; the ‘intersects’ method is the default returning the grid cells that the polygon intersects; the ‘contains’ methods additionally returns a boolean for each grid cell that the polygon intersects with indicating whether that grid cell is contained by the polygon (True) or intersects but is not contained (False).

Once the spatial index has been created, the DataFrameWrapper is ready for writing to a zarr file.

Writing to zarr

The final stage of the data model pipeline is to rasterise data to a standard 10 m grid in British National Grid projection, and write the data to a zarr file. This can be done with the .to_zarr method:


As with the indexing function, custom column names can be provided if they have been changed from the defaults:


In line with the xarray.Dataset.to_zarr method, to_zarr will accept both a path to a directory and a path to a directory suffixed with .zarr.


The to_zarr method has a default overwrite flag set to False. This means that if a zarr dataset exists in the path provided to the method, then an error will be thrown. The flag can be set by the user to True to allow overwriting.

A full workflow

The whole workflow can be pulled together like this:

        "pattern": "filename_pattern*",
        "suffix": ".ext",
).call_method("filter", "col_a == 'val_a' or col_a == 'val_b'").index().to_zarr(

The DatasetWrapper class

The SDS data model DatasetWrapper class is a thin wrapper around a Xarray Dataset.

Reading in data

Input data that is not the shape of the British National Grid at 10m cell size will be reshaped/placed into an array of that shape. Data that does not have a cell size of 10m will be resampled to that cell size.

Read a file where that has a 10m cell size and British National Grid extent:

ds = DatasetWrapper.from_files(

Read the first and fourth band from a file where both bands are categorical, the nodata value/variable does not exist in the metadata, the data does not have BNG extent, and the data uses a large datatype e.g. float32:

ds = DatasetWrapper.from_files(
    data_path="path/to/file.ext",  # path to file
    bands=["0", "4"],  # select band names
    categorical=True,  # all input bands are categorical
    nodata=-9999,  # set a nodata value
    out_path="path/to/reshaped_file.zarr",  # provide a path for the BNG raster
    overwrite=True,  # overwrite the `out_path` if it exists
    chunks=300,  # use a small chunksize because of the large data type